Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of the English language that ensures that the verb in a sentence agrees with the subject in both number and person. However, when prepositional phrases come into play, things can get a bit tricky. Understanding the rules surrounding subject-verb agreement prepositional phrases is essential for any copy editor, especially when it comes to optimizing content for search engines.

In simple terms, a prepositional phrase is made up of a preposition, its object, and any modifiers. For instance, in the sentence “He went to the store,” “to the store” is the prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrases can function as adjectives or adverbs in a sentence, giving us more information about the subject of the sentence.

When it comes to subject-verb agreement, prepositional phrases can be tricky because the object of the phrase may not be the subject of the sentence. In these cases, it`s essential to ignore the prepositional phrase and focus on the subject and verb.

For example, consider the sentence “The group of students are studying for their exams.” Although “group” is the noun closest to the verb “are studying,” it`s not the subject of the sentence. The subject of the sentence is “students.” Thus, the sentence should read “The group of students is studying for their exams.”

Similarly, in the sentence “The carton of eggs was left on the counter,” “carton” is not the subject of the sentence. The subject is “eggs,” and thus the sentence should read “The carton of eggs were left on the counter.”

Prepositional phrases can also create confusion when dealing with compound subjects. In this case, we must determine if the subject is singular or plural. For instance, in the sentence “John and his friends are going to the movies,” “John” and “his friends” are the compound subject. Since there are multiple subjects, the sentence should use the plural verb “are” instead of the singular “is.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement prepositional phrases can be challenging to navigate. However, by understanding the rules outlined above, copy editors can ensure their content is clear, concise, and optimized for search engines. Taking the time to focus on subject-verb agreement can make a significant difference in the quality of writing and can ultimately enhance the reading experience for audiences.